Wednesday, January 5, 2011

the power of wool compels you

Wow, I hadn't anticipated the response to the giveaway when I posted it on ravelry! I guess that was pretty silly of me. I mean, they've got over 1 million user accounts now.... and none of us joined because we dislike yarn and the many things yarn can do.

Actually, I'm excited to have so many interesting and often quirky and fun suggestions for the winter blues. All of the entries so far are fabulous. I'm enjoying hearing about what folk do, and what they sometimes avoid doing in the winter months.

The giveaway is ongoing until midnight January 9, and winners will be drawn and announced on the 10th.  I'm really looking forward to it!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I've been fighting one handed typing up my patterns and doing sneaky knitting.  I can't knit for long with the cast, and having only my off hand as my primary knitting engine has changed my tension.  It has made me something of a tight knitter so I am not/cannot work on the projects I started before the fall.  It occurred to me that, given the nature of lace, even if I post what I'm working on it is unlikely anyone will be able to identify it.  That frustrating thought in tow, I've snapped this:

look, ma, no hands ;-)
While I'm thinking about good things, I wanna thank my little band of loyal readers.  You know who you are, and so do I.  Even though I'm too much of a pleeb to figure out how to respond to comments, I do read every single one.  And they mean a lot. 

This afternoon, I'm editing pictures to do the finished object posts I've been meaning to do.  I have 4 FOs that I need to get documented;  I will answer the questions that were asked about my INSANE FO in its post.  I haven't forgotten, I promise.  :)

I just want to say thank you again for the encouragement.  Knitters on the web, you rock!

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